
Popular Culture Icons

An icon in popular culture is something or someone that is valued so much as to be almost worshiped. Many icons exist in our society, representing to the people the different desires of their followers. Icons are not inherently good or evil, but become that which the public seeks. When people become icons, the process of it often changes them. People become whatever they must to achieve their goals, and those who become icons often rely on publicity.

One example of this is Oprah Winfrey. She is idolized by her fans, and almost everyone knows her name. When I think of Oprah, I picture acts of charity for the sake publicity. Another example is Arnold Schwarzenegger. His popularity in the film industry earned him the recognition required to become Governor of California. I can't help but think of all he has lost in an effort to maintain an appealing body. He also has changed his path from publicity seeking to influencing politics, for better or worse. Bill Gates, starting from a small investment, went on to create Microsoft. He is one of the richest men alive, and represents to me the victory of greed over care of fellow man.

The obscene popularity of many celebrity icons leads to a huge impact on society, enabling them to affect consumer economy, the stock market, and even major religions. Whatever they do, they will be followed by thousands. If Michael Jordan buys a pair of shoes, it can mean immediate success for the brand. Icons, valued by people by definition, have an enormous impact on the people who value them.

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